David Marcus: Lies van Liberal Media To protect Biden were even worse than you think

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Sometimes in life it is only when a crisis passes that we can really see how terrible and harmful it was. This week, on these pages, Joseph Wulfsohn offered for a long timeDetailing the prevailing of the regular media in the Joe Biden era, and its complicity in the lie of the century.

You would very damn thingJust as journalists are starting to admit that their ambiguous role in supporting Biden. I welcome Wulfsohn for persevering. I would have thrown a coffee mug through my laptop, about halfway through pure anger.

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The story starts at the beginning with the cover-up of the laptop of the Hunter Biden, and this is what Marc Caputo, then in polico, had to say about his reporting about the crime-on-a-hard-drive of the first Son destroyed:

“… I wrote what a classic story would have been … That story was killed by the editors. And they didn’t explain that,” Caputo said on the podcast “Somebody’s Gotta Win”.

Joe Biden

President Biden was confronted with intense calls to go aside after a disastrous debate performance. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty images)

I want to offer Caputo the statement that he was refused. You see, the people who signed the Caputo checks then, together with 90% of the business media, wanted Donald Trump to lose and win Biden. If that meant that killing real stories and lubricating honest journalists, then it is.

And it wasn’t just polico that buried the laptop. Wulfsohn has the coupons and shows that Jake Tapper and Brian Seltzer, who both still pontize daily for CNN, also hid the story, just like NPR, and almost every large newspaper in the country that is not called the New York Post.

How much the lies were around the laptop, they faded compared to what would come, a total, non-bouncing that the liberal media have extended to hide the obvious and dangerous mental decline of bides.

Only a few weeks before Biden’s disastrous debate performance, NBC News warned the viewers not to believe their lying eyes about the decline of grandfather Joe and Writing: “Experts have warned that advanced technology such as generative artificial intelligence can spread wrong information, so -called ‘cheap fake “Who often use only small or selective processing can be more effective in spreading false stories”.

Hunter Biden and a political head

Polico published a report in 2020 that said that 50 intelligence officials signed on a letter that claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop story was Russian disinformation. (Main: (photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images), Screenshot/Politico)

Never forget that they really tried to attract this.

And do not accept the Johnny-come, have recently apologized that we now hear from the exposed liars in the news media, such as the David Smith of the Manchester Guardian, who recently said: “There was perhaps even at an unconscious level, the idea that if you concentrate so much at the age of Joe Biden, you help in one way or another Donald Trump. ”

An unconscious level? What the hell does this even mean? Biden regularly stumbled around a stage that shook the air with the air and all liberal reporters in the country just couldn’t see it because they had a Freudian mind block, or something like that?

Here is how the Peter Baker of the New York Times has tackled the lies about Biden Fitness: “It is very personal. Everyone who has had a father or mother who is old, and you talk to them by removing their keys, this Are not easy problems … I can sit and do that we have done too little about it.

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This so -called journalist claims that he can claim that too many was made of the age of Biden in the media. It is abject madness and it is annoying because it shows that they have learned absolutely nothing and are planning to continue with their lies.

The weakness of Biden hiding, the fact that he was in no way leading the country, is the lie of the century. Every journalist who has continued it because of his unfairness or negligence should never work in the industry again.

The liberal news media, the vast majority of the news media of the country, have not only done the laptop story wrong or just miss the signs of the decline of Biden. They deliberately misled the American people in a desperate, unfair and happily failed efforts to defeat Trump.

That is not forgiven.

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Unfortunately, these propaganda machines from the Democratic Party that occur as news stores still have no shame or self -consciousness, and do not show any signs of the straightening of their sinking ships. But the good news is that Americans are now hip for the lies, almost laughable.

The liberal media can fool themselves and give each other prizes and seriously talk about the importance of truth in Trump’s era. But they themselves are the greatest liars of that age and now the American people, partly thanks to real journalists such as Joseph Wulfsohn, knows damn well.

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