Whoopi Goldberg.
ABC/Jenny AndersonWhoopi Goldberg interrupted View on Wednesday, January 29, to share a very special moment with a guest Harvey GilenS
The 69-year-old Goldberg got out of his chair during an interview with the 34-year-old Gilen panel to share a hug while discussing the loneliness and confidence of men.
ViewThe moderator was obviously excited that there is What do we do in the shadows Alum joined the table when he revealed that he was a superfan of his work.
“I jumped him when I first met him,” Goldberg remembered. “I loved his show, which is called What do we do in the shadowsS “
Goldberg praised Gilen that he did “so much work”, advocating for a bigger representation for the LGBTQIA+ community in the entertainment industry.
The discussion of the panel later focused on Gyllen’s last project SatelliteA scientific fantastic thriller that explores topics of consent and human interaction.
Guilen and White lotus Star Lucas Gage Play guests in a remote cabin that finds their friend Josh (The boys– Jack Quaid) girlfriend, iris (Sophie Thatcher), it’s actually a “satellite robot”. The nerves break down on the journey of these couples as Iris revenge.
“When I read this scenario, there was a value of shock about the way some of these characters talked to their partners,” Gilen recalled. “I never realized how sometimes you see people paired and think,” Do you talk to your wife like that? Do you talk to your husband like that? Whether it is a future that may or may not include love robots or love partners, or what else, how you talk to a person, talks a lot about yourself. “

Gilen credits Satellite It helps him to context the importance of self -love and true reflection for men.
“Sometimes people say, well, there is this epidemic of male loneliness, which is something, but also, sometimes a man has to stop and realize,” Maybe I have to handle it. ” How will you love someone else if you can’t love yourself? “Gulen argued.
Goldberg pointed her Review Compared that she made the same point in the past before stopping the show for a moment to embrace Gulen.
“I love you! Oh my God, ”Goldberg said during the makeshift hug.
View Later, the hosts directed the discussion on Gulen’s love life, asking if he was currently meeting with anyone.
“No,” he replied with a laugh. “I actually met with someone while shooting the movie, and Lucas Gage, who plays my partner in the movie, and we were both in ties.”
Gilen continued: “We talked about our relationship together and we were so in love that we brought this (feeling) to the characters. Now we are both unmarried! I was like, “Do you think so because we saw the red flags when we were shooting this?” And, I think so! “
Gilen explained to ViewCompatible with he finished his most relationship because his partner “imitates love”, but in fact he failed to engage completely.
“I look back and (I think):” Aunt! I’m not the same person I was when I shot this movie. And tomorrow I will not be the person I am today, “Gilen admitted. “So, we all move on!”
Earlier this month Gilen joined his Satellite Kostari including Gage, Quaid, Thatcher and Rupert Friend for the project The premiere of the red carpet at the Hollywood Legion Theater. Gala was the first Hollywood premiere to have been held since Wild fires devastated the area of Los Angeles Throughout January.
Guillén is the next set to participate against against Eva Longoria and Blazing hot actor Jesse Garcia In the family comedy Alexander and terrible, terrible, no good, very bad tripwhich will be released on Disney+ March 28.
View Airs Monday to Friday at ABC while you are streaming spinof The Weekend View Airs on ABC News now Saturday at 7:30 pm ET and Sunday at 9:30 am ET. Gyllen’s new movie Satellite It opens at the theaters on Friday, January 31st.