David Coote admitted that he turned to drugs as a result of fear being a homosexual as a referee of the Premier League in his first interview since he was fired by Abran Limited (PGMOL) professional matches.
Coote was rejected in December, after “in serious violation of the provisions of his employment contract, with his position considered unfounded”.
It was followed by a research on a video that remains unbeaten, which seemed to show the derogatory comments about Liverpool and their former director Jurgen Klopp. The video was widely released on social media in November.
The PGMOL survey also covered a second video that appeared in November, which seems to show that Coote is reportedly hitting a white dust, is assumed that during the Euro 2024 where he was one of the Vars assistants for the tournament. The UEFA European football administrative body has also appointed a conductor of ethics to examine the issue.
Coote contradicts a claim Discussed by giving a yellow card before Leeds’ match against West Brom in October 2019. FA is investigating the claim.
In an interview with The sun Released on Monday night, Coote, 42, said: “I felt a deep sense of shame during my teenage years in particular.
“I didn’t go out to my parents until I was 21 years old. I didn’t go out to my friends until I was 25 years old.
“My sexuality is not the only reason that led me to be in this position, but I am not telling an authentic story if I do not say that I am gay and that I had real struggles that are involved in hiding that.
“I closed my feelings as a young reference and hid my sexuality – a good quality as a referee, but a terrible quality as a human being.
“And that led me to a whole course of behaviors.”
He added: “I had problems about my self -esteem – and this is related to my sexuality. I am gay and struggled to feel proud to be” me “for a long time.
“I have received a deeply unpleasant abuse during my career as a refin and adding my sexuality to it would be really difficult.”
Sky Sports news Coote statement has also been given.
Read: “This was one of the most difficult times of my life. I take full responsibility for my actions, which fell under what was expected by me.
“I really regret any offense caused by my actions and the negative headlamp that I put in the game I like.
“I hope people understand that they were private moments that took very low moments in my life. They don’t reflect who I am today or what I think.
“My focus now is to continue to prioritize my mental health and prosperity. I hope that my experiences, both in the field, can be used in football at some point in the future.
“Finally, I would like to thank all those who recently supported me, especially my family, my friends, my former colleagues, PGMOL and Howard Webb and countless people throughout football.
“Special thanks also to many strangers who have reached words of encouragement and support, I have appreciated it more than I can express properly.”
Sky Sports news has approached PGMOL for comments in response to Coote’s interview with The sun and statement.
Timetable: What led to the dismissal of Coote by PGMOL …
Saturday 9 November 2024: Coote Referees Liverpool 2-0 Aston Villa.
Monday 11 November: An unpaid video on derogatory comments about Liverpool and their former director Jurgen Klopp is released on social media.
Monday 11 November: PGMOL inhibits and begins a survey.
Tuesday 12 November: FA begins its own video research.
Tuesday 12 November: Arbitration Chief Howard WebB says Sky Sports Mic’D match employees This PGMOL takes the “very serious” incident.
Thursday 14 November: PGMOL realizes the new video that seems to show that the blow of a white dust while allegedly working at Euro 2024.
Wednesday 27 November: Fa investigating Coote claims they discussed giving a yellow card before a game as reported by The sun. Coote contradicts allegations.
Monday December 9th: Coote was fired by PGMOL.