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So the mark of a wise person is his ability to change once he realizes he has made a mistake. Or you are a former liberal that’s finally here, or maybe an organization that admits you hired some real idiots. Okay, I had to get that out of my system. Remember: making a mistake doesn’t define you. It’s what you do after the mistake.
You can say, I admit what I did and I’m ready to try something new, or you can just keep blaming climate change. This is especially true when it comes to Donald Trump. Most idiots dig in their heels and hate him, even at their own expense. Look at Robert De Niro. He played a boxer, but it was Trump who gave him brain damage. But I am also a good example. Certainly. I was pro-Trump early on.
FLASHBACK OF GUTFELD 2015: We’ve heard rumors that you might run for president. And I wondered, if you do that, and you win, what would my role be?
TRUMP: I think you would make a fantastic press secretary. You know, we’d finally have some personality in that position.
But fast forward a few months.
GUTFELD FLASHBACK: People defend him about making fun of disabilities, making fun of John McCain, making fun of women, making fun of a woman’s face. It just never ends. No one will ever stop defending these gross things, he says. He is very impulsive. He is – instead of thinking about what he says, impulsive, and you wonder: do you want an impulsive leader? Or do you want a leader who thinks? I want someone who can beat Hillary. I don’t think an impulsive leader will beat Hillary.
Was that really me? Why was I like this? Was it because Dana and I drank a Coke in the bathroom right before the show? No, no, no. She offered. But I said, not today. But you know what, when I hear it I’m describing Trump myselfit reminds me of myself. Witty, powerful, open-hearted. And we both dated supermodels. Shout out to Fabio. But why was I so emotional about it? Well, here’s an analogy. In the late 1970s I couldn’t wait to hear the Sex Pistols. They were punk rock and they were going to destroy all the mainstream bullshit on the radio. But when I got the record, I hated it. It was loud and scary, ugly and evil, and I didn’t understand it.
So I separated the record from my collection. I didn’t want its evil to end up on my cheap trick records, like some kind of musical STD. But then time passed and I decided to do it give it another chance. And it surprised me. But the record didn’t change. I did. What happened there? Why did it take time? Well, like Trump, the Pistols didn’t ask if I would like it, and I resented that confidence. But then I started to love it.
That’s the Trump effect in three steps: it’s repulsion, confusion, and then affection. They’re the same three emotions I get when I stick my finger in Larry Kudlow’s belly button. That’s why he laughs. And so the Trumpian messages that used to upset me resonated. I changed. Trump didn’t do that. So when people in the media said, “I liked Gutfeld, but he’s changed” – damn well, I’ve changed. If you don’t, and you realize you’re wrong, you’re an idiot. Just like this guy.
JIMMY KIMMEL: Let’s be honest. It was a terrible night last night. It was a terrible night for women, for children, for the hundreds of thousands of hardworking immigrants who keep this country running.
Someone can get that guy a 12 pack of tampons. That’s a Trump effect, but not a healthy effect. Here is Trump meeting with Democrats.
PETER DOOCY: A lot of CEOs, including some who censored you four years ago, actually come here to kiss the ring. Have they changed or have you changed?
TRUMP: Maybe we’ve all changed. I think they got a lot of respect. I think they looked at the mandate we were given. As you know, we won the popular vote.
This is a good answer because it suggests a middle ground, even if he didn’t have to budge an inch. And it gives Dems a path forward out of the darkness. We have all changed. What’s funny is that Trump may turn out to be the Democratic Party’s greatest ally, but not for the reason the media thinks. Trump is theirs Moses in the sense that he is parting the sea so that the Democrats can escape their extremism and find refuge in common sense.
Just when you thought there was nothing more he could do for the Jews, now this. Maybe they’re finally ready to get rid of their golden cows. The Trump effect gives you the green light to talk about real problems in real terms. So now the Democrats no longer have to embrace stupid things. They can talk about illegal immigration, rising crime, schools. Stephen A. Smith, Bill Maher, Fetterman – they all seem freer. Fetterman looks absolutely radiant.
Like Frankenstein, if they put good brains into it. And why? Trump made it okay to forego pronouns and focus on the economy, law and order and, yes, fires. If a firefighter comes up the ladder and he doesn’t look like you, who cares? Yes, I want mine to look like Ryan Gosling, but that’s not happening. So when someone like Zuckerberg gets grief for now supporting Trump, your instinct might be to say, “too late, we’re fine.”
But as Scott Adams always says, all good things take too long to happen, including the arrival of other people. This is why conservative never-Trumpers are so miserable. Their ego doesn’t allow them to admit they were wrong because their hatred of Trump is tied to their self-worth.
But fortunately, not all Democrats are like that. RFK, Tulsi, Musk, when confronted with new information, they changed too. How ironic for the Democrats, really. The man they have been trying to imprison for years is the one who will free them from their own situation.