Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift
Christopher Polk/Golden Globes 2024/Golden Globes 2024 via Getty ImagesIf you’re reading this, then we’re guessing you probably like celebrity gossip — and you’re safe! Here at usnot only do we love celebrity gossip, but we know there’s no shame in it. In fact, there is actual scientific, anthropological, and psychological evidence to prove that keeping up with all things showbiz and talking about it with our peers can make us happier, healthier, and more productive. And this is one wellness trend we can join in 2025.
Last year the smartest man in the world,Younghoon Kim — with his astonishingly high IQ of 276 – revealed this he is obsessed with celebrity newsis a big fan of K-Pop and is always up to date with what’s going on with Taylor and Travis. As Kim himself said in his exclusive interview with us‘ Editor-in-Chief Dan Wakeford“I love celebrity and entertainment news and stories because it helps a lot with my anxiety.”
But using gossip as a soothing antidote to the stresses of everyday life and work isn’t the only reason it’s good for you – even if your IQ isn’t as high as Kim’s…
It gives you social currency
Anyone who’s ever pretended to be familiar with a movie, band, or podcast they’ve never actually heard of just to fit in and keep the conversation going will relate: entertainment and celebrity news are the glue, that holds social groups together. But while I ask who watched Love is blind last night may seem like a simple conversation, it can have tangible benefits in the workplace and beyond.
Research by researchers at Stanford and the University of Maryland showed that casually talking to other people for about an hour a day led to more cooperative, team-oriented behavior in the workplace. And it all comes down to trust. According to Yuval Noah Hararigroundbreaking book of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanitywe are such social animals that gossip is key to our survival. Casual chat about breakups, feuds, and romances—whether it’s Hollywood superstars or the company’s marketing department—puts you in the inner circle when it comes to the more important things: layoffs or lions lurking nearby!
Increases your creative confidence
It may seem like celebrities go about their business in an extreme way, but following their lives and taking even a tiny bit of inspiration from their actions and creative endeavors can pay off.
If you’re feeling frustrated with the way your career is going, there’s always a celebrity to look up to who had the courage to evolve and grow. Worried you’re too old to be promoted? Look Demi Moore wins his first major award — Golden Globe for her groundbreaking role in The substance — at 62. Afraid you were too wild in your youth to be taken seriously? Look Drew Barrymore or Lindsay Lohan now both wildly successful stars and entrepreneurs who have found peace and contentment after years of scandalous headlines in their youth. Feeling uninspired in your current career and considering a big change? Look Kate Hudsonwho released her debut studio album in her forties after decades of acting, or Dwayne Johnsonwho unexpectedly went from being a wrestler to a blockbuster star. Suddenly that language course you’ve been thinking about signing up for doesn’t seem so silly, does it?
“They (celebrities) are artists, so I think in a way learning about their lives is an art form,” says Kim. “It’s also an escape for me, but also a source of inspiration. Not only are celebrities really creative, but they also help us think of new ideas and new ways to express ourselves. And it helps us become more motivated to become better versions of ourselves.”
It deepens your understanding of the world
What might start as a passing interest in a pop star or TV show can quickly lead you to full-on forensics on a subject you previously knew nothing about—perhaps a true crime story featuring a favorite actor on Netflix, or a health issue like menopause or cancer that a big star has raised awareness about. And how many of us have greatly improved our knowledge of specific religions and cultures by binging on shows like The Secret Life of Mormon Wives? That’s right, you’re not just hanging out in front of the TV, you’re doing important cultural research!
Those who dismiss celebrity gossip because they think it’s shallow are missing out on a broader view of the world. If even the smartest person in the world isn’t blinded by academia, the rest of us do well to use a wide range of media. Plus, it gets us up to speed on trivia night – who else can name every single one of these Nick Cannonthe children of, or all American Idol winners in chronological order?
It normalizes the more difficult parts of life
If you’re going through something challenging—perhaps a big breakup, infertility, or mental health issues—you’re sure to find a celebrity who’s been there, talked about it, or even written entire albums about it. Yes, there is a reason Taylor Swift is beloved by multiple generations of Swifties—she expresses the things we all feel far more eloquently than we ever could, and makes us feel less alone in the process.
But it’s not just Swift: tons of celebrities are very emotionally open, whether through their song lyrics, Instagram posts, or reality TV. Before the rise of social media and the internet in general, many stars seemed untouchable and more like characters than actual human beings, but having a direct connection to their everyday lives can be a real boost in our darkest times.
If you struggle with anxiety, you know this Selena Gomez gets it. And if you get back with your ex even though all your friends tell you it’s a bad idea, Jennifer Lopez can be connected.
All of this can help you relate better to other people’s problems as well, increasing your emotional intelligence. Those who gossip are often thought of as “good listeners” with “good people skills”—both extremely important so-called soft skills in work and life.
It’s just fun!
Is celebrity gossip shallow? Sometimes! does that matter no! As Kim said, gossip helps him feel less anxious — and that’s not to be taken lightly. Life is stressful, things get tough, and you don’t always want to come home after a hard day and watch the news or read an 800-page historical novel. Sitting up to Real hosts while texting your friends about the unfolding drama or sharing another hilarious thread Evil social media memes can improve your well-being and make you feel more relaxed.
In fact, the word gossip comes from an old English term “godsibb”, which describes women who support other women during childbirth. Over the years, it has developed and acquired different and sometimes negative connotations. Sure, sometimes it seems like there’s a fine line between gossip and judgment, but keeping it fun, lighthearted, and bubbly is nothing to be ashamed of.
And we don’t like to gossip (ahem…), but guess what: everyone does – they just don’t know it. While gossip is often thought of and dismissed as a female pastime, men indulge just as much as women, they just present it differently. A 2022 study published by the BBC showed that while a woman might come back from holiday and ask her colleagues “what’s the gossip?”, men instead say “what’s up?” or “what did I miss?”. They’ll also offer “post-meeting debriefs” and “hallway chats,” which are basically, yes, gossip. Spread it!
We thought he was an actor Morgan Spector said it brilliantly when he said The incision that gossip is key to understanding strangers. “If someone has a juicy bite, what’s better?” the HBO star said The Gilded Age. “Talking for other people is one of life’s great pleasures. I think gossip is underrated. It usually gives you an atypical insight into someone else’s life, how they live, their character. It’s not just the scandal or the surprise; it’s also that you go, Oh, that’s them, and then you can unpack that—the longest, ideally.
Here at uswe love nothing better than a long unboxing. Let’s take the shame out of gossip!